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Tempo Helmet

A helmet for all seasons.


This project sought to create a helmet that would satisfy dedicated cyclists who require appropriate protection (for safety and the weather) in both the summer and the winter. As a team of three, using skecth pin ups, concept maps and brain storming sessions proved to be an efficient way to develop the idea. A 1:1 scale model was sculpted, and then rendered using Photoshop . ​


Time Period: 4 weeks (2012)



  1. Exterior Shell: Thermoformed from PET, and attached during finishing processes.
  2. Expanded Polystyrene Liner
  3. Synthetic Fiber Insulated Breatheable Winter Sleeve (Thinsulate): Made to be detached during warmer weather. 
  4. Poly Carbonate Visor: With anti glare coating to offer some protection from the sun.
  5. Brass-Coated Nickel Rivet
  6. Thermoplastic Elastomer Insulation Vent Plugs: Removeable with the insulated sleeve.
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